Friday, December 19, 2014


My favorite Christmas Card came today. Our sweet Kolby looks so much like himself it makes me beam that he is truly happy and in his element of working hard, finding plenty of attention, and feeling the love.

There are just over twenty dogs in College who are all at the same level of training. They were all born around the same time frame and started college on the same day. There are a number of trainers who are then responsible for training their "string" or "team" of dogs. Kolby's trainer is Amanda and she has the responsibility of teaching the dogs all the wisdom that college has to offer, evaluating their progress, and writing the monthly reports that go to each of the Puppy Raisers on her team. That is just the surface level, short description, of how this works, because I know in "real life" it is a very complex system of running an elite school to train service dogs.

If Kolby continues to work well and is on schedule, he will Graduate in February!! It is less than two months away and I can't wait to wrap my arms around him while he's wearing his official working blue vest and tell him how proud I am of him.

Merry Christmas!!