Sunday, May 17, 2015


We have returned and we are all walking on Cloud 9. However, there are few words right now as I try to grasp the impact of what just happened to all of our lives. There is something magnetic, sacred, protected in letting go after you have raised a puppy. Some things you can share because the words come easily. Other things are too raw and not very explainable, and my fellow Puppy Raisers will understand.

The depth that you just completed something totally incredible, something beyond self, for an experience that changed your life so profoundly - those are the emotions that can't be written easily or explained adequately. It is simply one of the best feelings ever felt. 

So I will start at the ending point and work backwards in the upcoming days and weeks to complete this chapter of Kolby's Puppy Raising. 

The photos need no explanation. The set-up is a time line of the moment when we lovingly and proudly handed Kolby's leash to his Forever. A beautiful match. We are very blessed and grateful. 
It is clear there is a connection and deep love in this exceptional team. I cherish these photos, and I am so happy that our friend grabbed our camera and got up close to the stage to capture this incredible moment. Friday was amazing.


  1. I read your blog months ago when kolby was still with you. I just watched the program online and got so excited to see kolby on there, I had no idea he'd graduated! Congratulations to you and kolby!

  2. Thank you!! Yes, it feels wonderful to know the ending of his Puppy Raising story. So grateful he chose her to be his Forever Person.
