Friday, October 18, 2013

City Life and Playtime

Note to self - although an all-black attire works great at hiding all-black puppy hair, it is horrible for photographs with said puppy. Live. and. Learn. 

Kolby doesn't venture to the big city very often because I am not a city girl. I realized, however, that city life it not always full of large crowds and sketchiness; the things I am not fond of. There is a moment in the city day when life doesn't feel much different than Suburbia. And that moment is first thing in the morning on a Wednesday.
I met a new sweet friend in the lobby of the California hotel on the day of Haddie's Turn In. It was hard to miss her and her daughter because they had a blond puppy in a yellow and blue vest walking beside them. They were coming towards us as we were walking towards them. They were on their way to the Santa Rosa Campus to turn in their dog, Leslie.
Fast forward to October of the same year, and Leslie is now a Breeder and Haddie is pending a November Graduation. Both of us feel pretty awesome and have maintained contact throughout the months - waiting patiently together for that first training report, all the way to the ups and downs of being a super girl in the Breeding Program and waiting, waiting, waiting for a match.

My friend flew out to see me and others this week; and also for the purpose of attending our Chapter's Auction on Saturday. Kolby and I picked up my friend at the airport after I dropped off my kids at school, and away we went to the big city. We walked the Waterfront and had yummy seafood for an early lunch.

I could tell that Kolby was off his working-mode shortly after we arrived. While he had been to this exact location just a few months prior, the sun was out, it was hot, and he was just ready to hide in the shade and chill out that day. He didn't care much about anything.
This time it was cold and foggy. Although not crowded whatsoever, he just seemed more on edge. It made me realize that we have to go back and return often to get him desensitized to the cold, and eventual rain and wind, and the smells of sea life and the big city. It really is the prime location.
Later that evening, my friend and I went to CCI Class where my friend worked her other friend's Facility Dog, and she got to meet my wonderful, close, adorably sweet, and good-humored Chapter Buddy that is the Puppy Raiser of Helaine. After Kindergarten class was over, and my traveling fun friend left with her other friend, Kolby and I stayed to attend Puppy Class with Helaine. Oh my goodness - the best class ever.
We rarely, like this is the second time in two years, let our dogs off leash to play and interact with the other dogs in class. Kolby was not so sure of this new twist, and he stayed pretty close to me at first. I took that as a great sign that he is Handler Focused.

And then, then he left me to go rip-it-up with the other four-leggeds. He was really good, however, about coming to me when I called him, so we are definitely in a shine moment. I was so glad! Soon, it became all about Helaine and Kolby. Those two have had a love-affair since the day they met back in March. They are so good together, despite the obvious size difference of 20 pounds. Helaine can hold her own against the towering all-legs-male-teenager, and eventually (at the end of class) Kolby laid down in exhaustion, rolled over, and totally submitted to Helaine. She won. Game over (Yay, Girl Power).
Ohh, Mister Kolby - what a fun personality you have. I am very happy to be his Puppy Raiser. Good things are planned for him in the weeks ahead. I am so excited about his upcoming adventure and hopeful that he will continue to shine.

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