Friday, October 28, 2011

Walks with Haddie

We have found the golf cart path at the golf course that starts behind the woods of our property to be the most relaxing morning walks. I am not sure about the variety of learning experiences that Haddie is receiving during these outings, but good exercise and walking long distances on a loose leash is just as important as learning about her extended world. 
Today we were almost hit by two golf balls; by two separate set of older gentlemen. But not to worry, I was purposefully walking "toward" the traffic of golfers and put Haddie in a Heel/Sit when I spotted the men wanting to hit the golf ball. 

One landed about 15 feet to our left as we started our adventure, and one hit about fifteen feet to our right when we were ending our walk. Haddie was clueless - those balls are tiny! - but she got to walk right beside the riding lawn mower on two different spots on the course. She was not phased by the large, loud, moving machine. 
Across the little pond on the course there was a team of Canadian Geese. It would have been too obvious and stretching breaking of the golf etiquette rules to let Haddie see them up close. But it reminded me that I need to get back to our city's lake to see the Geese with Haddie before they head South. 

The loop that I take is about 1.5 miles which is the perfect amount for Haddie at her current age. Haddie is 4 months this week, and since I like to follow the CCI Guidelines as close as possible, I waited the requested 4 months until long walks took place with Haddie. 

We've come far. I remember it took many weeks to get her to keep walking on her leash without stopping to sit down, or stand with refusal to move forward. Again, following the CCI Guidelines, we'll be taking jogging runs next summer after her first birthday - looking forward to that. 
I think my favorite part of our morning walks - rain, shine, cloudy, or foggy - is that the course is beautiful allowing a peaceful start to our day. It shakes off Haddie's morning wiggles to help her focus the rest of her day. It provides me some good cardio; better than a treadmill in a gym to be on a trail with a cute yellow lab friend. 

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